On Wednesday, Twitter has suspended the account which was dedicated to tracking billionaire Elon Musk's "private" jet.
The account, @ElonJet, was run by Florida college student Jack Sweeney, who has negotiated with Elon Musk in the past in regards to the account. Jack Sweeney developed a software which generated the official status of Elon Musk's jet by using a series of publicly available flight data.
According to Jack, Elon Musk offered $5000 to take down the tracking account which was later declined by the college student.
Jack was also behind a series of accounts which tracked other billionaire's aircrafts such as former President Trump, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates.
However, "ElonJet" has officially taken a shift to President Trump's social media platform, Truth Social, where Elon's flight status continues to be publicized by the Jack.